Patrick Guidice
IBEW 1049 Business Manager
“I H E A R D Y O U ‘ R E T H E G U Y “
Due to COVID-19, this project was a challenge but with the elections coming up we had no choice but to move forward. This left me thinking “okay, how in the world am I going to create a video when we can’t physically shoot anything?” After starring at my computer screen for a bit I decided to Google “Pat Guidice” and found a few videos here and there. So, I started messing around with them and began liking whatever it was I was creating so I texted Pat and told him to start recording videos and that we were going to take all the content we could find, and then mash them up.
On Thursday, May 28th, 2020 I received a text from Patty letting me know that he had won. It read “Thank you so much Mike, your video production was a tremendous hit with the rank and file. I want to make more videos going forward…I want to also put together more videos to make members proud of their union. I take office on June 12th”.
Patty and I met for the first time in the East Village at one of my favorite bars, 7B. When I arrived I was greeted with a round of Jameson and an eager smile. He explained that he was trying to build both anticipation and excitement around his upcoming campaign, over a few beers.
“I heard you’re the guy” he said. “You’re the guy that can get people hyped up and to the polls”. Pat has a good heart and due to the fact that his fellow co-workers were being mistreated he is looking to become Business Manager of IBEW 1049 (one of the largest private sector labor unions on Long Island) in order to help them out.
After hearing him out I loved where he wanted to go and what he wanted to accomplish. I told him that if I were to do this I’d have to do it my way. He agreed and with that he headed back to Long Island sending me video after video on a daily basis. With constant communication and a few re-edits the first video was released totaling 1,200 views in only a few hours. -Michael Fiore